Saturday, April 11, 2009


No, not tadppoles or middle earth creatures. EFT stands for emotional freedom techniques.

I first heard about it on The View, the morning talk show hosted by Whoopie Goldberg. I adore Whoopie, always have, and she speaks for me. I swear, every topic that comes up for discussion, Whoopie speaks for me.

Anyway, she & I share the same fear of flying. We both used to fly & stopped for very real reasons. Whoppie has to get to Europe in the near future & since there's no bridge, she consulted some people who are conditioning her to overcome her fear. Freedom at you Fingertips involves tapping on your acupressure points while reciting affirmations.

I'm interested, but I also know that tapping your acupressure points won't keep a plane from crashing. So I'm not on board on that issue.

However, I think the system has real merit & I'm trying it for anxiety and some minor phobias. I'm still in the early phases, but feel that my anxiety level has seriously dropped. Now this is going to sound bizarre, but the first time I did the tapping for my the end, I actually felt a mini orgasm of relief. It didn't last. but gave me hope.

You do not have to believe in EFT in order to reap the benefits. It's a physical manifestation. Positive affirmations are supposed to help, but I'm more into the manipulation of the electrical currents which run through our bodies. If there was a certified acupuncturist anywhere near where I live, I would be on the table.

Anyone who wants to know more should check out the website of expert Gary Craig. It is the preeminent source for information and case stories on EFT.

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