Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ed & Bill's Excellent Adventure

Damn, I was having so much fun, I forgot to take pictures. On Wednesday, Eddie & Billy flew in from Hammonton, NJ and I met them at the PC airport. We stopped for dinner in Mexico Beach, a quirky little beach town about 10 miles from the motel. Toucan's tacky, touristy, tiki bar is right on the Gulf of Mexico & even though it was raining for the umteenth day in this part of the panhandle we enjoyed the beachy atmosphere & the ribs were awesome.

When the rain cleared late Thursday we did the 1/2 hour drive to Apalachicola, a shrimping and oystering village with a funky New Hope kind of vibe. Stopped at the estuarine museum to check out the indiginous fish up close & personal, had drinks at the historic Gibson Inn and dinner at one of our favs, Carolines on the river.

We stayed up way too late, drank way too much & "some" of us took our card game of kreights way too seriously. Next day, I was beat. I just can't hang any more. We rallied enough for a ride out Cape San Blas where we could see the mainland across the bay & then climbed over the dunes to the beach on the Gulf. The sand is like sugar & we enjoyed a frolic in the surf. Yes, a frolic. If you haven't frolicked lately, you don't know what you're missing.

When I dropped my dear friends off at the airport on Sat morning I was feeling as if they had just arrived. Our visit went by so fast. I'm just grateful they made the trip down here to LA (Lower Alabama.) to visit. It meant a lot to me.

1 comment:

  1. What? No pictures, I am so disapponted, but glad you all had so much fun!
