Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Introducing Miss Violet

Yesterday, she became our newest family member. I hadn't seen her. Dan picked her out at the Gulf County Humane Society the day the VFW went to donate the money raised on Dan's Nascar doggie pool. I was pretty much expecting your average tabby alley cat. What a surprise to find that she has obvious long haired ancesters. Her coat is long & silky and she has a tail like a fox. Big and bushy. Terrific personality too, so I think we're all going to get along great. It's possible however that Wally, our betta fish, isn't going to love her quite so much.
How did I settle on the name Violet after Dan nixed all my other suggestions including the brilliant Earthakitty??? Well, I'm a fan of author Jan Karon's Mitford series and one of the protagonists has a beloved cat named Violet. I waited until I met her & realized that, yes indeed, she was Violet.
We had custody of another beautiful animal for a short while this morning. Some guests found a stunning male pit bull wandering the parking lot this morning. My god, what a prince he was. Caramel in color and an obvious pure bred with a gentle disposition. I called animal control, because this gorgeous guy was wearing a collar and I'm sure his owners were very anxious to get him back. Mid-week housekeeper, Minnie wanted to take him home & all of us were sorry to see him go.

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