Sunday, July 11, 2010


I know I've addressed this issue before, but it happened several times today. Why do absolute (note that I didn't say "perfect" strangers) strangers start a conversation by asking how I am?  I don't want to discuss my well being with strangers, and it's none of their business anyway.  In my more perverse moments I want to reply, "well my leprosy isn't quite as contagious as it was." The weird thing is, they expect me to ask how they are back.  Trust me, unless your're a friend or a relative, I don't care. 

This morning, one male caller compounded the issue by actually  saying, "How are you, young lady."  Young lady!!!  Did I sound like I was 12 years old or was he being the insulting, condescending jerk I suspected he was.  All he wanted to know was if I had a vacancy and how much it would cost.  Jeez, that's not hard.  Just say,  "hello,  do you have a room tonight and how much is it for 2 people?"  My yankee directness and my aversion to bullshit just doesn't seem to fit in here in lower Alabama, oops the Florida panhandle.

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