Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy As A Lark

That's how someone who saw me this past weekend at my high school reunion described how I appeared to them and it couln't have been more true. 

This was a weekend to treasure for many years to come and for many reasons.  My family members who could make it shared with me lots of hugs ,plenty of laughs, great conversation,  and most of all, love.

From left to right, top row:  son in law Ely, moi, son Nick, brother Stephen,  middle row:  daughters Danielle & Denise, sister in law Paddy, daughter in law Nicole and on the couch:  grandson Zach, nephew Conlan, grandchildren Logan, Alexandra, Evan & my surprise gift for the weekend, grandaughter Chelsea Rose who I was told, couldn't make it back to SJ from her first week at Montclair U.

I'm feeling pretty lucky, and when I look at this photo, yep, happy as a lark.

1 comment:

  1. What a great family picture,know you are proud! And you do look happy as a lark, in fact you are glowing!
