Thursday, December 17, 2009

Southwest to PC

This is big news for this area. Southwest Airlines is going to begin nonstop flights at reasonable rates from Panama City to Baltimore-Washington, Houston, Nashville and Orlando. Service begins May 2010. This surely means more tourism, more business and more economic growth for the Florida panhandle. Bring it on!

We've been pretty busy around here the last couple of days and that's a good thing for December. It's mostly been workers, but I had a couple of my regular fishermen in room #8. Bill H and Bill B are good customers both around my age. They're friendly guys who come to Port St Joe fishing several times a year.

Well, here I am sitting in the office last night & on my security camera, I see Bill H hauling the microwave from his room into the lobby area. "Hey Michele, can you show a guy how to work this thing," he says. I suggest that we take it back to his room and plug it in so I can see what buttons he's managed to push to screw the thing up in the first place.

We approach the door to #8 and Bill H says, "Go on in, it's OK." I open the door and here's Bill B bent over the bed wearing nothing but his tightie whities. Now, I'm not fazed by this, but poor Bill B grabs his pants and dashes into the bathroom, while I get the microwave working again.

I don't know which Bill was more embarrassed, the one who carted his microwave to the office or the one caught in his skivvies, but the whole thing gave me a chuckle. Can't wait 'til your next visit guys.

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