Monday, November 9, 2009

When life gives you lemons

You see all those lemons? That's just one tree. We have two more trees & lemons coming out the butt. C'mon down here and pick some of these darn things or they're going to rot on the tree.
We keep a basketful on the front porch for folks to help themselves and Dan takes some down to the VFW, but an awful lot of them still go to waste.
Spent the day today converting the small kitchen unit into a non smoking room. We're now half & half. My goal is to be 100% non smoking. Dan's fighting me on this, but I'm determined. A couple of weeks ago we actually lost some business because we didn't have enough non smoking accomodations. On top of that, smokers burn holes in everything in the room. Who needs that aggravation? Not me.
We're going to have a couple of sloppy days due to tropical storm Ida, but I'm not complaining because this year's hurricane season pretty much didn't happen. The sun will be out by Thursday, so get your self on over here & pick some lemons!

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