For the first time in several weeks, I have a full house tonight. Dan left, as usual at 4 PM for the V. The you know what hit the fan shortly afterwards.
# 5 called because her bathroom was flooded. When I called Dan, He told me to stick a towel under the leak. I did. # 1 called because their air conditioning isn't blowing cold enough. When I checked, I had to admit it could be cooler in there. While #1 was at the desk complaining and requesting one or more fans, my oldest friend from NJ called to tell me her mother passed away last night. I had to call her back so I could deal with #1. How rude am I to an old friend?
The kid from #6 just came in to ask me for a bobby pin for his mother's hair. A bobby pin??? Do they still make those things. I just may pull out my own hair before this night is over. It's only a litte after six. Plenty of time to lose my mind and my hair.
This is an addendum. It gets worse. Two women just checked in to my last room. Because it wasn't reserved, the air wasn't on. Not 5 minutes later they came for their money back because the ladies in #1 told them our air conditioning sucked and they didn't want to take a chance. Thanks girls. If they'd given it a chance they would have found that #3 has very strong air. I never argue or try to rationalize because a customer is going to perceive what they perceive. Nevertheless, I feel crappy about the whole night so far.
For someone who hated dealing with customers in the casino business, it seems that operating a motel, which is a customer service industry, was a step in the wrong direction. I guess it's a little late to point that out now, though.