Monday, February 1, 2010

A Crapper In The House??

My friend and neighbor had a septic tank pump problem today resulting in the smell of human waste wafting through my home for an hour or two. I found DH outside watching the work crew & questioned his standing over the hole when sitting in our kitchen would have provided him with the same olefactory ambience.

Those of you who have city sewage service can never even imagine what those of us with septic tanks deal with.

In the early to mid 20th century in rural areas as well as many American cities, outhouses were the norm. Now, I'm a hugh fan of indoor plumbing, but I have read that many folks fought what we today regard as progress. "I don't want a crapper in the house," was heard by many who felt one would bring germs and unwanted critters into the house as well as create privacy issues.

Personally, I'll put up with the septic tank issues rather than have my "crapper" outside. Besides, there isn't even a Sears catalog anymore.

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